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When an approval workflow is in place for invoices, there are typically at least 4 roles for invoice users (creator, adjustor/approver, reviewer, process manager). The tasks below are related to working with invoices when a workflow process is required.

Invoice Creator

Searching for Specific Records

Viewing Invoices

Creating an Invoice Manually

Editing Invoices

Posting an Invoice

Adjustor and/or Approver

Searching for Specific Records

Viewing Invoices

Adjusting an Invoice Summary

Adjusting Invoice Line Items

Approving Invoices

Rejecting Invoices

Voiding an Invoice


Viewing Invoices

Reviewing an Invoice

Process Manager

Managing Workflow Processes

When there is an invoice workflow process (for example, approval is required for posting an invoice), the general life cycle of an invoice is like:

1.A new invoice has the status, Not Posted.

2.After the invoice creator has entered invoice information, including line items and related project/account information, the creator can click Post. Afterward, the invoice status displays Pending Approval.

While an invoice is pending approval, an adjustor can adjust the invoice summary or the invoice line items.

3.Invoice approvers can do the following:

oApprove the invoice to post. Afterward, if all line items post successfully, the invoice status displays Posted. If all line items do not post successfully, the invoice status displays Failed.

oReject the invoice. Afterward, the invoice status displays Rejected. Then the invoice creator can edit the invoice and submit it to post again.

oSend the invoice to another user for review. The invoice status continues to display Pending Approval.

4.After an invoice has posted, you can click Void to void the invoice. Afterward, the invoice status displays Not Posted again.