1.To access the My Approvals page, do one of the following: oClick one of the hyperlinks in your My Approvals portal pane on your home page. oSelect Approvals from the All tab. The My Approvals screen opens with the Requests to Approve tab showing.
2.Select the check-box next to the record you wish to reject. 3.Enter a reason for the rejection in the Internal Comment field. 4.Click Reject. A confirmation pop-up opens. 5.Select a Rejection Reason. The list of reasons is determined by your TeamConnect administrator. 6.Enter comments in the Comment to Requestor field. If you select a Rejection Reason option other than Default, on the invoice's General tab, the Comment to Requestor box will contain both the selected Rejection Reason option and the Comment to Requestor from the My Approvals - Reject Invoice screen.
For example, if the "Reason for Reject" is "Invoice contains multiple violations" and "Comments to Requestor" is "Too many billing guidelines violation, including line items 2-10. Please resubmit per discussion", then the "Comments to Requestor" of the Invoice will show the following:
Invoice contains multiple violations.
Too many billing guidelines violation, including line items 2-10. Please resubmit per discussion.
7.Click Confirm Rejection. The invoice status changes from Not Posted to Rejected. The approval history record is recorded on the Workflow tab. All other requests for review or other workflow related events are recorded here as well.