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Invoices in TeamConnect represent bills sent to your organization by outside counsel and other vendors who provide work on your projects and other services. Invoices can be posted against accounts and projects, according to the posting criteria you set for each individual account.

Important: Certain invoice fields and functionality depend on a combination of system settings and your user rights. As a result, your invoices may look different from the descriptions in this section and some features described may not be available. Contact your TeamConnect administrator if you have questions.

Two ways for invoices to appear in TeamConnect exist:

Manually created directly in TeamConnect

Uploaded from Collaborati, if you subscribed to Collaborati Spend Management service

Invoices are transferred from another system as per custom integration your organization may have in place (e.g. with a 3rd party e-billing system)

During the invoice life cycle, multiple users inside and outside your organization can perform an action for the same invoice. The following flowchart illustrates this life cycle. Click areas of the flowchart for more information.



oIf the vendor submits the invoice through Collaborati, you do not need to create the invoice.

oIf the vendor submits the invoice through Collaborati, the invoice might already be posted.

oDuring the pending approval phases, you can adjust an invoice summary or invoice line items.

oFrom the My Approvals page, an approver can approve or reject an invoice.


Invoice Record Pages

There are four invoice-specific pages:

The General page lets you enter the following information about the invoice:

oHeader Information—Specifies general information about the invoice, such as a Description, Date, Vendor, Billing Start Date, Billing End Date.

oTax Information—Specifies tax types, levels, and rates.

oInvoice Summary—Displays totals for invoice expense line items, fee line items, and the invoice total (all line items).

oLine Items—Individual expenses or fees that are being billed on the invoice.

The Summary Breakdowns page lets you view a summary of line items grouped together by Timekeeper or Category, and organized by matter. If the invoice is associated with more than one matter, an All Matters section also appears on this page, showing all of the associated matters grouped by Timekeeper or Category.

The Transactions page displays a history of the invoice's posts and voids.

The Versions page is read-only, and displays links to prior versions of this invoice, if more than one version of an invoice exists. This page only applies to previously rejected invoices that were resubmitted.

Invoice - Genearl Page (Header Information, Invoice Summary, Description Sections)

Invoice - Genearl Page (Header Information, Invoice Summary, Description Sections)

Invoice - General Page (Comments to Requestor, Line Items Sections) Continued

Invoice - General Page (Comments to Requestor, Line Items Sections) Continued