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You can view invoices by browsing invoice collections. Alternatively, you can search for an invoice. See Searching for Specific Records for more information.

When viewing an invoice, the Line Items section displays fields that are different from the Line Items section in edit-mode. The fields from the Invoice Information and Invoice Summary sections are the same as described in the Creating an Invoice Manually, with the exception of the following fields that may appear under certain circumstances in the Header Information section:

Appeal Invoice Number—Displays the Invoice Number of the Appeal Invoice associated with the current invoice. Clicking the Appeal Invoice Number opens the Appeal Invoice.

This field only appears if an Appeal Invoice based on the current invoice has been created and synced to TeamConnect.

Original Invoice Printable View—Displays the Invoice Number of the original invoice associated with the current Appeal Invoice. This field only appears if the current invoice is of type Appeal. It displays the Invoice Number of the invoice the Appeal Invoice is based on.

Clicking the Original Invoice Printable View link launches the printable view pop-up for the original invoice. The Appealed Line Items check-box appears directly below the Line Items check-box of the printable view pop-up. When selected, the printable view will only return line items from the original invoice that have been appealed in the new Appeal Invoice.

Select the desired Sections check-boxes, then click Ok to open the original invoice's printable view in a new browser window.

Note: For sections with a search results display, the default setting is Display all result pages.

There may be several types of invoices, for example Non-US Tax Type.