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A typical page displays the areas that you have rights to view. Note: Browser width should be 1024x768 or larger for best performance. TeamConnect runs best on a 4:3 or 16:9 resolution.

The fields on your page might vary, but the following components are the same:

Browser Title Bar—Displays the application's name.

Global Toolbar—Contains links that show your pending work and let you do other common tasks. The icon at the furthest right spot (with your login name) can bring you to your preferences page. The All folder is a valuable method for navigating the application.

Bookmarks iconContains bookmarks which will be preserved after log-out and will not be visible to any other users. For more information on bookmarking, see TeamConnect User Experience Updates.

Global Search—Allows you to search for records by their name or number, across one record type or all record types.

Tab Bar—Contains a set of buttons that provide quick access to record types and functions. In some cases, clicking a tab immediately takes you to a new page. In other cases, clicking a tab button presents a short group of sub-tab links in the line just below the tabs. These tabs can be shown/hidden by clicking the arrow button.

Important: While tabs may be configured and change between systems, using the All button is always an alternative for navigating between objects/items in TeamConnect.

Record Screen Title Bar—Shows the record type that you are working with. For a record list page, the name of the current collection is shown. For an individual record page, the name of the record is shown.

Left Pane—Provides links that take you to pages related to your current page. If you are viewing a list of records, the links in the left pane primarily point to other collections. For more information about collections, see Viewing Collections of Records. If you open a record, clicking on a link in the left pane opens pages related to the record.

Body—Contains the main section of the screen, where you work with records, set preferences, use tools, and view home page information. When scrolling on a page, an icon will appear allowing users to go Back to Top in a single click.

TeamConnect Main Screen

Typical Page