A collection is a group of related records that you can view by clicking a collection link in the left pane. Use collections to access records without having to search for them.
The Contact Record Type with Many Collections
You can define many collections for a single record type. In the graphic above, all of the links in the left pane, such as Companies, People, and Leigh's address book, are collections. Each collection can use a different combination of search criteria to present a different list of records.
By default, most record types have one or more of the following collections:
•Recently Viewed—Displays up to 25 of the last records that you viewed, in reverse chronological sequence, over a period of 90 days. This link is always the first collection listed in the left pane, and you cannot delete this collection or change its order.
•All <record type>—Displays all of the records of the selected type that you have the rights to view.
•Recently Created—Displays a list of records of the selected type that were added to within the last 30 days.
•Recently Modified—Displays a list of records of the selected type that were edited within the last 30 days.
Although Recently Viewed is the default collection, you can click another collection during your session and that collection will be remembered for the duration of the session. For example, if you leave a record type, do work in another area, and then later return to that record type, the collection you last used for that record type will be the one that appears now.
In addition to the collections listed above, some record types also have specific collections as follows:
Specific Collections by Record Type
Record Type |
Specific Collection |
Calendar |
Upcoming—Displays a list of appointments that will occur 90 days from today's date. |
Invoices |
•All Invoices •Not Posted •Approved •Pending •Rejected •Failed |
Projects |
My Assigned—Displays a list of the projects to which you are assigned. |
Tasks |
•My Pending Tasks •My Overdue Tasks •My Completed Tasks •My Billed Tasks |