The collections that you see in the left navigation pane are initially determined by your system administrators, but you can also affect which ones are shown by subscribing or unsubscribing to collections.
On the Manage Collections page, you can do the following:
•View the collections to which you currently subscribe
•Unsubscribe from a collection
•Subscribe to a collection
•Reorder the sequence of collections
In the left navigation pane, click the gear icon . Select the desired collection from the resulting menu.
Note: For the Contact record type, collections may also include "Address Books". For all other record types, the term "Collections" is used. Regardless of the term, managing collections is done in the same way for all record types.
 Example of the Manage Collections Page
Click the link Subscribe to <record type> Collection.
Click the Remove check-box next to the collection that you want to delete, and then click Update.
1.Type sequence numbers into the Order field in each row. Collections with the smallest numbers will appear first in the left navigation pane. You cannot reorder the Recently Viewed collection—it will always appear before any other collections. You cannot change the order of the Recently Viewed collection. It is always the first collection listed.
2.Click Update. |
Subscribe to <record type> Collection
Click this link to open the Subscribe to Collections page. Select a collection on that page and click Subscribe.
Specifies the order, starting with 0, that you want the collections to appear on the left side. Change the numbers in the text boxes to update the order.
Displays the name of the collection. Click a link to open a collection.
Select a collection to remove it from your collections list.
Specifies the owner of the collection.