Records are categorized by record types, which handle the storage of different kinds of business information. For example, Contacts, Invoices, and Appointments are all considered record types.
You can access record types in one of the following ways:
•Click a link on the global navigation bar—The global navigation bar shows a row of tabs that represent some of the main pages. When you click on a tab, such as Contacts, a page opens that lists contact records that you have the rights to view. Others, such as Finance, display a group of sub-tab links just below the main tabs. Clicking one of these links takes you to a page that displays a list of the selected record type. The record list is generated from the Recently Viewed search (see Viewing Collections of Records).
Tabs and sub-tab links on the Global Navigation Bar
•Click a link from the All button—The All button drop-down list provides access to all the standard record types in addition to any custom record types your organization may have developed. The All button also includes links to any tools and home pages to which you have access.
All Drop-down List