1.Search for an invoice and open it. The General page opens.
2.In the Line Items section, select a search view from the View drop-down list: oAll Line Items—Displays all Line Items for the invoice (default selection). oLine Item Warnings—Displays only Line Items that have warnings (produced by invoice validation rules, as specified by your TeamConnect administrator). The list might include additional search views.
3.To apply additional search criteria, click the Show Filter link. oEnter additional Line Items search criteria from the displayed fields. For example, if the search view is All Line Items, you can enter the following: ▪To display only Fee Line Items, in the Item Type row, leave the first drop-down list option as Equal To. In the second drop-down list, select Fee. ▪To display only Expense Line Items, in the Item Type row, leave the first drop-down list option as Equal To. In the second drop-down list, select Expense. ▪To display only Fee line items with a specific task code (category), in the Task Code row, leave the first drop-down list option as Equal To. In the second drop-down list, select a category. ▪To display only Fee line items with a specific activity code (category), in the Activity Item row, leave the first drop-down list option as Equal To. In the second drop-down list, select a category. ▪To display only Line Items for a specific project, in the Project Name row, leave the first drop-down list option as Equal To. In the second drop-down list, select the project record type (for example, Dispute). In the third field, search for the project record name. ▪To display only Line Items with specific Warning message content, in the Warning Description field, type the word or text to search. oIf the Search icon is next to the search box, you must enter an existing value. oYou can enter multiple values for fields with the Add icon. ▪After you enter a value, click the Add icon to enter another value. ▪To remove a value from the search, click the Remove icon next to the value. To remove the first value you entered, select the text with the mouse and delete it. 4.Click Search. |