Enabling the Appeals Invoices functionality allows vendors recourse when a submitted invoice is not entirely approved as submitted in CSM. This setting can be enabled on the General tab of the CSM Settings page.
For the appeals to work as designed, TeamConnect users at a given stop must be able to edit invoices before posting.
Vendors are only able to submit one appeal per invoice. The appeal will only include line items where the original amount was not approved. See the table below for examples.
Original Invoice Amount
Amount Approved
Amount Visible on Appeals Invoice
N/A, will not show
Vendors are also able to provide a comment for each line item adjustment detailing the reason behind the appeal.
The flowchart below demonstrates an appeal invoice workflow.
Client-side Process
1.Enable Appeals Invoices on the General tab of the CSM Settings page. 2.Upon receipt of an invoice from Collaborati, make adjustments to line items before posting, if desired. 3.Submit and sync. 4.If vendor appeals, an appeals invoice will generate. This invoice will have the same number as the original invoice along with "Appeal" added to the end of it.
 Appeals Invoice
5. After viewing the adjustments and comments made by the vendor, make the desired edits, save, and submit the appeals invoice. Sync with Collaborati. Note: Only the items that were not fully approved on the initial invoice will be included. For an example, see the table in Setup and Details.
After this submission, the vendor will not be able to send another appeal invoice for that same original invoice.
 Appealed Line Items View
The following best practices will assist in setting up appeals invoices:
•Configure object views to place appealed line items block directly under the line items block for easy comparison. •Enable the approval rules to allow users to edit items before posting. However, for optimized configuration, contact Mitratech Services at professionalservices@mitratech.com.