Fields that display on invoice pages may vary based on the following scenarios:
Depending on TeamConnect system settings, when you adjust invoice line items, either the Detail Adjustment format, the Batch Adjustment format, the In-Line & Bulk Adjustment format, or the Bulk Adjustment format are available. This system setting affects invoice fields that display on the General page, Line Items section when adjusting line items.
The ways to tell which line item adjustment setting applies to your system are:
•On an existing invoice's General page, if an Adjust link displays near the Line Items section bar, then the setting is set for Batch Adjustment or In-Line & Bulk Adjustment.
Invoice General Page
•On an existing invoice's General page, if the line item numeric values (Rate, Unit, Amount) display as links, then the setting is set for Detail Adjustment.
Invoice General Page, Line Items Section with Numeric Value Links for Detail Adjustment
Based on system settings TeamConnect can check for duplicate invoices in the system to prevent creation of duplicates. For more information, see Invoice Duplicates.
If a previously entered invoice was rejected in TeamConnect, when the invoice is re-entered, it is not considered a duplicate. Resubmitting an invoice creates a new version of the original invoice. For more information, see Invoice Versions and Viewing Previous Invoice Versions.
If an invoice is submitted in a currency that is different from your default system currency, you can view that invoice's values in either your system currency or the submitted currency. For more information, see Viewing Invoices Submitted in Different Currencies.
The invoice fields that you see and the and functionality that is available to you depend on the following:
1.Whether Workflow approval is required. See either Invoice Procedures (without Workflow) or Invoice Procedures (with Workflow) for the list of tasks you can perform depending on whether workflow is required.
2.Whether the invoice sender uses a different currency from the adjustor.
3.Whether a solution developer created invoice or line item customizations. Contact the TeamConnect administrator for more information.