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Viewing Invoices Submitted in Different Currencies

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If an invoice has been submitted in a currency other than your system currency, by default, the invoice's values will display in the submitted currency. You can change the invoice to display in the system TeamConnect currency. The rate value & the conversion date will be additionally displayed under the Exchange Rate field.

Tips and Warnings

If the invoice display has been updated to show the system TeamConnect currency, when an approver adjusts the invoice, values will display and be calculated against the originally submitted currency values.

If the invoice has not posted and you change the view to a different currency, the current exchange rate will apply, as specified in your multi-currency table. Contact your Administrator for details.

If the invoice has posted and you change the view to a different currency, the conversion rate will be based on the exchange rate at the time of posting.


For example, the invoice was submitted in Pounds (Great Britain). The approver changes the invoice's currency view to US Dollars (USD). All invoice currency values will display in the equivalent USD values.

If the approver adjusts the invoice, the adjustment screen will display values in the originally submitted currency (GBP). Adjustments will be applied in GBP as well.

After the approver makes adjustments and clicks OK, the Invoice General Tab view will revert to displayed values in USD (as selected in the View in drop-down list).