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You can add invoice line items on an invoice's General page in the Line Items section. Line items can be added when creating invoices or editing invoices that have not been submitted for posting. After the invoice is saved, each invoice line item appears as a row in the Line Items section table. In addition, each invoice line item is stored as a separate record.

When creating fee line items

If the timekeeper's contact record has rates set for specific task categories on the Rates page, the appropriate rate is automatically displayed in the Rate field when you select a category from the Category drop-down list. Inactive categories, if any, are displayed but cannot be selected.

If the timekeeper has no rate assigned for the task category of the line item, or the rate period does not fall within the service date, the default rate value of the contact is displayed instead.

You can overwrite the automatically displayed rate if necessary.

The currency of the timekeeper is disregarded. Only the rate amount from the timekeeper's contact record is displayed automatically, even if the contact's currency is not the same as the invoice.

When creating expense line items

Depending on system settings, the rate for expense line items may include 2-5 digits after the decimal points. This is useful for rates that use fractions of a cent, such as photocopying at $0.055 per page.

If you enter values in excess of the specified number of decimal places for expense line items, the value will be rounded. For example, if the system specifies 2 digits after the decimal place and you enter 0.0345, the value will be rounded to 0.03. If you enter 0.0379, it would be rounded to 0.04.

If you enter values with less than the system setting for the number of decimal places, the value will be padded with zeros. For example, if the system specifies 5 digits after the decimal place and you enter a value such as 0.03, the value will be padded to 0.03000.

For information about adding line items by copying existing line items, see Copying an Invoice Line Item.

Note: You can enter negative values in Line Item section fields.

Invoice General Page Line Items Section Field Descriptions

Some field descriptions that follow may not display based on system settings and your assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.