When adding a fee line item to an invoice, the name in the timekeeper field corresponds to a contact record. If a rate for the contact is specified under Invoice Tasks Rate on the contact's Rates page, this rate will automatically populate the invoice line item's Original Rate field. For more information, see Setting Contact Rates.
The following conditions apply:
1.If the Contact record > Rates Page > Default Rates section is specified and the Invoice Task Rates section is blank, then the following applies to invoice fee line item rates:
oIn an invoice Line Items section, if the following are true:
Item Type is Fee.
Timekeeper is the contact with set rate.
oThen the Original Rate field should be automatically populated with the Default Rate Value (from Contact record > Rates page).
2.If the Contact record > Rates Page > Invoice Task Rates section specifies a rate, then the following applies to invoice fee line item rates:
oIn an invoice Line Items section, if the following are true:
Item Type is Fee.
Line Item Category matches the Task value (from Contact record > Rates page > Invoice Task Rates row).
Timekeeper is the contact with set Invoice Task Rate.
Service date falls within the From-To date range (from Contact > Rate page > Invoice Task Rates row).
oThen the Original Rate field should be automatically populated with the Invoice Task Rate (from the contact's Rate page).
If the Default Rate Value and an Invoice Task Rate are both specified, the Invoice Task Rate will override the Default Rate Value.