Use the Contacts Rates page to view or edit the standard rates charged by a contact, the rate that is charged for non-standard tasks, the rate for an invoice task, and the preferred type of currency. The options that you see on this page depend on your access rights.
There are three types of rates:
•Default—The standard rate and currency that is used for a vendor for most of the services rendered to your company. This rate applies unless a specific task-based or invoice task rate is defined.
•Task-based—The rate that appears when you create a Task or add an entry to the Task Entry Tool. If defined for a contact, this rate overrides the default rate during the specified time period. See Assigning or Reassigning Tasks to Users for more information about tasks.
•Invoice task rates—The rate that applies to a specific task on an Invoice when the associated contact is selected as a timekeeper. If defined, this rate overrides the default rate during the specified period of time.
Each type of rate can have multiple entries with specific start and end dates for each entry.
Important: Information that is defined in each section is completely separate from other sections on the Rates page. For example, rates and dates defined in the Task section do not affect or apply to rates and dates defined in the Invoice Task Rates section.
Notes for Rates
•If you define a rate with no start or end date, you cannot add any other rates in that specific rate area. For example, if you define a task rate with no start or end date, you cannot define other task rates.
•If you enter a start date and the end date is blank, the rate starts on the date specified and the end date is indefinite.
•If the start date is blank, and you enter an end date, the rate applies to any date that is less than, or equal to the end date.
•If a contact has multiple rates in a specific area, such as invoice rates, overlapping date ranges are not allowed. For example, for the same contact, if one invoice rate has a start date of 3/16/09 and an end date of 4/16/09, and a different rate has a start date of 3/17/09 and an end date of 4/17/09, an error message appears and you must correct the overlapping dates.
How Rates Affect Invoice and Task Records
The rates that you enter on this page also apply to other areas in TeamConnect:
oIf an invoice is created for this contact, the type of currency that you enter on the contact Rates page is automatically used as the currency on the associated invoice. See Viewing Invoices for more information.
oIf a contact typically bills your company for services, the Invoice Task Rate that you enter on the contacts Rates page is automatically added to an invoice line item when the associated contact is selected as a timekeeper and the item type is Fee. See Timekeeper Rates for more information.
•Tasks—Tasks can be billable time items that are tracked by their hourly rate. The rate information on the Rates page will auto-populate the Rate field for tasks assigned to this contact. The Default Rate is used to auto-populate Rate fields if a task does not have a current rate assigned to it.
1.Search for a contact and open it. 2.In the left pane, click the Rates link. The Rates page opens.
3.Click Edit. You can do this by clicking the Edit button at the top of the screen, or by clicking the pencil icon next to the Currency tab.  Contacts Rates Page - Default Rate Section
4.If necessary, in the Currency drop-down list, select or change the type of currency that applies to this contact, for example, United States, Dollars. See the Rates page field descriptions for more information. 5.In the Default Rates section, in the Rate field, enter or edit the standard rate charged by this contact for most services. 6.If necessary, in the Start Date and End Date fields, enter the period during which this rate applies. If you do not enter a start and end date, the default rate is applied indefinitely to related invoices and tasks.
7.If you want to add additional task-based rates, click the Add New Item button and repeat steps 5 and 6. 8.Select a save option. When you are working with billable tasks and invoices, this rate is used as the default rate unless a specific task-based or invoice based rate is defined. See Tasks for more information.
1.Search for a contact and open it. 2.In the left pane, click the Rates link. 3.Click Edit.  Contacts Rates Page - Task-based Rates Section
4.In the Task Rates section, on the Task drop-down list, select the task to which the selected rate applies. 5.In the Rate field, enter the rate charged by the contact for this specific task. 6.If necessary, in the Start Date and End Date fields, enter the period during which this rate applies. 7.If you want to add additional task-based rates, click the Add New Item button and repeat steps 4 through 6. See the Rates page field descriptions for more information.
8.Select a save option. When you are working with a billable task, this rate overrides the Default Rate only during the specified time period.
1.Search for a contact and open it. 2.In the left pane, click the Rates link. 3.Click Edit. You can do this by clicking the Edit button at the top of the screen, or by clicking the pencil icon next to the Task Rates tab.  Contacts Rates Page - Invoice Task Rates Section
4.In the Invoice Task Rates section, on the Task drop-down list, select an option. 5.In the Rate field, enter the rate charged by the contact for this specific task. 6.If necessary, in the Start Date and End Date fields, enter the period during which this rate applies. 7.If you want to add additional task-based rates, click the Add New Item button and repeat steps 4 through 6 as necessary. See the Rates page field descriptions for more information.
8.Select a save option. When you are working with invoices, this rate overrides the Default Rate during the specified time period.
Rates Page Field Descriptions
The tables below contain the default fields for the Rates page. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings and assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.
Add New Item
Adds a new, blank rate row.
The currency used for payments to this contact.
•The currency that you select is displayed in the Currency field of the Invoice screen when this contact is selected as a vendor. •The Billing Information section in task and expense records cannot use multiple currencies, and contacts who are also users may be responsible for the costs associated with these records. •The selected currency is reflected in the contact's rates and in any custom fields for financial amounts in the contact record. •Changing the currency selected in this field for an existing contact does not change the rate amounts for the contact. When changing the currency of the contact, you must also adjust the rate amounts. •Changing the currency of the contact does not affect any existing invoices where that contact is selected as the vendor. The currency and amounts in those invoices stays the same. |
The rate that applies to the selected task or invoice.
For Tasks and Invoice line items, this value is automatically displayed in the Rate field when you select a category.
Removes the selected line item from the Rates page.
Click the appropriate check-box, and then click Remove.
Start Date/ End Date
Start Date—The earliest date that this rate is applicable.
End Date—The latest date that this rate is applicable.
Click the Calendar icon to select a date.
•If you define a rate with no start or end date, you cannot add any other rates in that specific rate area. For example, if you define a task rate with no start or end date, you cannot define other task rates. •If you enter a start date and the end date is blank, the rate starts on the date specified and the end date is indefinite. •If the start date is blank, and you enter an end date, the rate applies to any date that is less than, or equal to the end date. •If a contact has multiple rates in a specific area, such as invoice rates, overlapping date ranges are not allowed. For example, for the same contact, if one invoice rate has a start date of 3/16/09 and an end date of 4/16/09, and a different rate has a start date of 3/17/09 and an end date of 4/17, an error message appears and you must correct the overlapping dates. |