When you are done working on a record, use the Save button on the button bar to save your work. This button might have a label different than Save, depending upon how you have been using the button in your session. If you click or hover over the drop-down arrow, as shown in this example, you have one of the following options:
•Save—Saves the record but leaves the record open and in edit mode.
Since you requested that the record remain in edit mode, it will still appear in your list of Unsaved Items. To remove the record from that list, choose a different Save option.
•Save & Close—Saves the record, closes the record's page, and then returns you to the previous page.
•Save & View—Saves the record, then returns to a read-only view of the record.
•Save & New—Saves the record, then opens a new blank record of the same type so that you can enter new information.
The default option out of this selection can be set by administrators. For more information, see Setting up the User Interface.
Save Options
If the label on the Save button is already the choice you want, simply click the button. If not, click the drop-down arrow on the right edge of the button and make your choice from the list that is shown there.
Note: Records contain fields to indicate when, and by whom, a record was created, last modified, and last opened. These fields are useful when searching or doing reports. All of these applicable fields are populated with your user name, and the current date and time, when you click a Save option.
If there are errors in the fields that you were editing, the save operation may fail and one or more error messages will appear at the top of the page.
An Error Message during a Save Attempt on the Contact/General Page
The record remains in edit mode. Correct the errors that are described in the error messages, and try to save the record again.