The following steps describe how to configure the User Interface page from Admin Settings. Field descriptions are provided in a table below.
After you update and save Admin Settings from the User Interface page, the changes take effect for users automatically.
Field Names and Descriptions
Default Value
Company Settings
•Enable custom logo—Select this check-box to change the logo that appears on the upper left of application pages. If this check-box is cleared, skip the remaining fields under the Company Settings section. •Logo File—To upload a logo file, click the Upload a new logo link. Browse for the local file and select it. Click OK. Note: It is recommended to upload logo files with a maximum height of 50 pixels.
If you have already uploaded a new logo file, you can select it from the Logo File drop-down list.
•Logo Alt Text—Enter text to display while the browser is loading the image, or if the browser has images turned off. For example, "Company logo". For more information, see Custom Logo. •Color Profile Administration—Upload and manage user color profiles. For more information, it is strongly recommended that you view Color Profile Administration.
•Disabled (Enable custom logo check-box cleared) •Logo File—Default (Mitratech logo) |
Button Defaults
Select the default Save and default Cancel buttons from the following options:
•Save Changes •Save & Close •Save & View •Save & New •Cancel & Close •Cancel & View |
Save Changes
Cancel & Close
Batch Display Settings
•Position action buttons on the left—Place a checkmark in this checkbox for the Action column in a table of batch entries to display on the left side of the table. Remove the checkmark for the Action column to display on right side of the table. |
User Selection
Select one of the following:
•Select users from drop-down list—Displays TeamConnect users in a drop-down list on pages requiring user name input. Recommended when the number of user accounts is not large. •Select users from User Search Module—Displays a search module on pages requiring user name input. Recommended when the number of user accounts is large. For more information, see Setting User Selection Options.
Select users from drop-down list
Item Selection
Select one of the following:
•Select items from a drop-down list—Displays lookup table items using a drop-down list, no matter how many items there are. •Select items from Lookup Module when there are more than 100 items—Displays a drop-down list if there are fewer than 100 items to display. If there are 100 or more, a search module with auto-suggest capability is displayed instead. |
Select users from drop-down list
All Services Menu Settings
•Disable Documents in All Services Menu—Select this check-box to remove the Documents link from the All Services Menu and the All Services Portal Pane. You must log back in to TeamConnect after changing this setting for it to take effect. •As of TeamConnect 5.0.1, enabling this checkbox will remove the Documents search view from the left navigation panel. •Disable History in All Services Menu—Select this check-box to remove the History link from the All Services Menu and the All Services Portal Pane. You must log back in to TeamConnect after changing this setting for it to take effect. |
•Disabled (Disable Documents in All Services Menu check-box cleared) •Disabled (Disable History in All Services Menu check-box cleared) |
Login Settings
Message—Type a message to display on the login screen. For example, "Welcome to TeamConnect".