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TeamConnect provides options that let you customize system and custom data for multiple languages and regions. Localized areas include the user interface, and features such as the time and date display. You can localize one or more languages and character sets. Localization key values have been updated in TeamConnect 5.0. Detail on these updates can be found in the online help on the Localization Key Changes page.

Note: Numbers are not localized and are displayed as Western Arabic numerals, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

TeamConnect provides the following options to help you localize data:

The Admin Settings Region page—Lets you select a default locale, and select the way that you want to display the system date, time zone, and year. You can also select your local currency type on this page.

Locale Manager tool—Lets you select, change, and delete one or more locales. Additionally, you can export TeamConnect messages and user interface fields to an Excel spreadsheet, enter translations, and then upload the translated date back into TeamConnect. This process allows international users to view information in their preferred language.