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Tasks in TeamConnect are internal assignments that TeamConnect users have to complete, usually when working on projects, such as preparing reports, following up on cases, or reviewing documentation. A group of tasks is a list of items, often in order of importance.

Tasks can be one of the following:

Non-billable—Tasks that a user must complete that have no associated money costs, such as preparing a report.

Billable—Tasks that are tracked by their rates on an hourly basis. All billable tasks can be posted against certain accounts according to the posting criteria that is set for each individual account. See Posting Tasks for more information.

Each task record lets you enter all the information related to a given task on the same record page.

Types of Tasks

There are two types of tasks:

Project-specific—Tasks that must be performed to move a project forward to completion.

Global—Not associated with any project, such as preparing payroll reports.

Task-specific Pages

Each task record has the following task-specific pages:

General—Create and edit tasks information, including the subject, due date, and task assignee.

Transactions—Displays a history of the task's posting and voiding statuses and allows you to access the related account record.

Each task record also has additional pages on which you can view and edit specific information, such as a Documents page where you can store documents that are related to a task. See Viewing Documents for more information.

The following table shows how you can view, create, and edit tasks.