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Use the Tasks General page to create a task starting from a blank record.
1.Click the All button. 2.Click the Tasks link in the dropdown menu. The Tasks List page opens. 3.Select one of the following options: oTo create a task, click New. oTo edit a task, click the pencil icon to the left of a task name. The task record opens to its General page. ![]() Tasks General Page 4.On the General page, enter or edit the appropriate information in the available sections, including billing information if appropriate. See the the Task General page fields table for more information. The following fields are required: oSubject oAssignee Based on your rights, this page may also contain custom fields that appear based on the option that you select in the Category drop-down list. Complete these fields according on your company policies. |
The tables below contains the default fields for the Tasks General page. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings and assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.
The Notes section allows you to enter comments about the current task. For information about the Assignment History section, see Assigning or Reassigning Tasks to Users.