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Use the General page to create and edit tasks.

A task record can serve as a simple reminder to work on an assignment, or it can be a billable time item, which you will eventually post against a related account.

When you create a task, you can track the time for a project or vendor, and then post the task.

The following topics apply to creating or editing tasks:

Creating a Task Manually--Create a task starting from a blank Task record.

Copying a Record--Use an existing Task record to create a new task when many of the setting are the same.

Using a Task Wizard

Your system administrator may provide one or more wizards to help you create new tasks using a guided, step-by-step process. A wizard may be one of the available options or the only option.

If you click New and a wizard opens, complete the required fields on each page, and then click Next to progress to the end of the wizard. When you click Finish at the end of the wizard, the new record is saved.

Note: Your company may only allow you to create an account using a wizard, so the option to create an account manually may not be available.

Other Areas Where You Can Create Tasks

There are several areas in TeamConnect where you can create tasks:

The Tasks List page--Based on your rights, you can create or edit a task. See Viewing Tasks for more information.

The Tasks page for a project--Open a project and use its Tasks page to create or edit a task. See Viewing Tasks for more information.

The Task Entry Tool--Create and edit multiple tasks in one operation. See Using the Task Entry Tool for more information.