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The Task Entry Tool provides a convenient way to create multiple tasks quickly in one TeamConnect page. The Task Entry Tool can be accessed through the Tools button.

Caution: When using the Task Entry Tool page, if you navigate away from the page, you lose all work done since your last Add or Save action. If you go back to the Task Entry Tool page after navigating away, you must create a new set of tasks and a new work session to continue working in the page. For example, if you want to edit a copy of a task you created in this page, the best practice is to finish all the work you want to do during your current page session before you navigate away to edit the copy.

When you finish a session and save your work, you may then edit the task copies you made during the session. You may access tasks previously created in this page using the Task list page or General page.

The table below contains the default fields for the Task Entry Tool. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings and assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.