The Task Entry Tool provides a convenient way to create multiple tasks quickly in one TeamConnect page. The Task Entry Tool can be accessed through the Tools button.
Caution: When using the Task Entry Tool page, if you navigate away from the page, you lose all work done since your last Add or Save action. If you go back to the Task Entry Tool page after navigating away, you must create a new set of tasks and a new work session to continue working in the page. For example, if you want to edit a copy of a task you created in this page, the best practice is to finish all the work you want to do during your current page session before you navigate away to edit the copy.
When you finish a session and save your work, you may then edit the task copies you made during the session. You may access tasks previously created in this page using the Task list page or General page.
1.On the toolbar of the Task list or on the General page, click Task Entry Tool. The Task Entry Tool page opens.
2.For each task, enter information in the Task pane. See the Task Entry Tool field table for field descriptions. 3.Click Clear to clear all field entries, if necessary. 4.Click Add to create and save each task. The task appears in the List pane below.
For more information, see the Task General page field table.
5.Click the Copy button to create and save additional copies of the current task. Each copied task appears in the list pane.
The table below contains the default fields for the Task Entry Tool. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings and assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.
Field Name
(* = Required)
The activity type for the task, if applicable.
Note: Typically, this field is used as a subcategory for the fee, if applicable.
*Billed By
The name of the user (same as Assignee) assigned to the task. If the task is billable, this is the contact billing the task.
A project category for the task, if applicable, such as follow up, review file, or status report. If the current task has no project (global task), use the system category Task.
Important: If assigned, each task may have only one category.
Completed Date
The date when the task is completed. Select it by clicking the Calendar icon next to the field.
Search for and select the appropriate contact.
You may use this field, for example, to let the task track the time spent working on assignments by a specific contact.
Note: This field serves as a vendor posting criterion, if you decide to post the task, and it is billable. For more information, see Posting Tasks.
Project or
Project name
Displays one of the following types of information:
•If you are working within a project, this field is read-only and displays the name of that project, for example, Claim or Program. •If you access the current task using Calendar > Tasks, an optional field Project allows you to choose a project to associate with the task. If you want, select a project for the task if there is no current project.
The amount charged per task unit, only for a billable task.
Note: If the task has a billable contact or Billed By assignee, and that person has a specified rate entered, TeamConnect automatically displays that rate here. For more information on contacts and rates, see Setting Contact Rates.
A brief description of the task used as a task name.
The number of units (for example, hours or items) required to complete the task. Only applies to billable tasks.