Invoice fields that you can edit vary. Contact the TeamConnect Administrator for more information.
•If the invoice status is Not Posted—Based on your invoice update rights, all Invoice Header Information and Line Items section fields are editable and the Post button is available.
•If an invoice has posted—You can only edit custom fields if your system allows edits to custom fields after posting. Contact your system administrator to enable this setting. The invoice's system fields are not editable.
•If the invoice is in a workflow process (submitted for posting and pending approval)—Based on your invoice update rights, all Invoice Header Information section fields are editable, the Invoice Summary section Amount values display as adjustable links, and Line Items section fields are not editable.
•If you upgraded from TeamConnect 2.3 or earlier—For pre-existing invoices that did not previously require vendor contact information, the invoice vendor field will be populated with the "System user" contact. This is so that invoices will not be voided due to lack of required information.
•For invoices that are received through Collaborati Spend Management (CSM)—Only custom fields are editable in the Invoice Header section and Line Items section. You can also edit the Comments to Requestor field.
•If a Line Item has been adjusted—You can edit fields except the Original Rate, Original Quantity, Original Discount, and Original Amount (total). For invoices that were generated in e-billing tools, system fields are not editable.
To edit invoice line items, see Editing Invoice Line Items.
To add invoice line items, see Adding Invoice Line Items.
To delete invoice line items, see Deleting Invoice Line Items.