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Before you post an invoice, you must prepare the invoice and its associated account. The following table describes requirements for posting.



The invoice must be associated with an account.

From Accounts, search for all accounts associated with the project listed on the invoice. This project can be a dispute or other type of matter. If you want to post an invoice to an account, it must be associated with a project.

For example, enter DISP-000098 for the name value in the search. Select the account to which you want to post. For example, "Allocated - DISP-00098 - OC Expenses - 2013."

Selecting Accounts for Posting Invoices

Selecting Accounts for Posting Invoices

If no accounts exist for the project, create an account and specify the following fields on the Posting Criteria page.

Posting Project to this Account: Select One

This Project: Enter the name of the project

Posting Projects to an Account

Posting Projects to an Account

The account must allow posting.

From the General page of the account, place a checkmark in the Allow Posting check-box if one does not exist.

Allowing Posting to an Account

Allowing Posting to an Account

The account must allow invoices to be posted.

1.From the Posting Criteria page of the account, depending on the type of invoices you want to post, place checkmarks in the Post Invoice Type check-boxes if necessary.

2.Depending on the type of line items you want to post, place checkmarks in the Post Invoice Tasks to this Account or Post Invoice Expenses to this Account check-boxes if necessary. You can also select both check-boxes.

3.From the Post Invoice Task of Type or Post Invoice Expense of Category drop-down, update the type of tasks or expenses you want to be able to post.

4.From the Invoice Task Percent or Invoice Expense Percent field, enter a number for the percentage of the task or expense you want to post. Keep at 100% if you are only posting to one account. Update the percentage if you want to split invoice amounts between multiple accounts.

Allowing Invoices to Post to an Account

Allowing Invoices to Post to an Account

The account must allow non-US taxes to be posted if the invoice has non-US taxes.

1.From the Posting Criteria page of the account, if the invoice has a non-US Tax Type, place a checkmark in the Post Non-US Tax to this Account check-box if one is not present.

2.From the Post Non-US Tax of Type drop-down, update the type of tax you want to be able to post.

3.From the Non-US Tax Percent field, enter a number for the percentage of the tax you want to post. Keep at 100% if you are only posting to one account. Update the percentage if you want to split tax amounts between multiple accounts.

Allowing Invoices with a Non-US Tax Type to Post to an Account

Allowing Invoices with a Non-US Tax Type to Post to an Account

The date of the invoice must be with in the account period.

The Invoice Date on the invoice should be within the account period, which can be found on the General page of the associated account

Account Period on the General Page

Account Period on the General Page

The account must be active.

The status of the Active field on the General page of the account is Yes. See Activating or Deactivating Accounts for more information.

Account Period on the General Page

Account Period on the General Page

The account (or the parent's account) must have a balance of the same amount as the invoice or more.

From the Account Summary page of the account, check whether the Balance has enough funds to cover the invoice. If the account has no balance, check the Account Summary page of the parent account or the parent's parent account. You can continue checking parent accounts until you find a balance. If the balance does not have enough funds, add money to one of the accounts.

Balance on the Account Summary Page

Balance on the Account Summary Page

The invoice must include the same Vendor contact that is on the account.

From the Posting Criteria page, if the associated account specifies a Vendor contact in the This Vendor field, the Vendor field of the invoice record must include the same vendor.

Note: The account does not need to specify a vendor, even if the invoice includes one.

Specifying a Vendor for Posting

Specifying a Vendor for Posting

The invoice line items must include the same Involved contact that is on the account.

From the Posting Criteria page, if the associated account specifies an Involved contact in the This Involved field, the Timekeeper field of each line item in the invoice must include the same contact.

Note: The account does not need to specify an Involved contact, even if the invoice line items include one

Specifying an Involved Contact for Posting

Specifying an Involved Contact for Posting