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After an invoice has been posted, you can void it.

What Happens After You Click Void (no workflow)

The following changes occur when you void an invoice.

The Post button becomes available. The invoice can be posted again if necessary.

The Posting Status changes to Not Posted in the Header Information section on the General page.

The transaction listed on the Transactions page, indicating the posting of the invoice, is removed and replaced with a Voided transaction.

The change in balance is reflected in the Balance field in the Account Summary section of the General page in the corresponding account(s).

What Happens After You Click Void (with workflow)

The Posting Status changes to Pending Approval in the Header Information section on the General tab.

Important: If there is an approval process in place for voiding invoices, NONE of the following items occur until the invoice void is approved by the final individual who must approve it.

The Post button becomes available. The invoice can be posted again if necessary.

The Posting Status changes to Not Posted in the Header Information section on the General page.

The transaction listed on the Transactions page, indicating the posting of the invoice, is removed and replaced with a Voided transaction.

The change in balance is reflected in the Balance field in the Account Summary section of the General page in the corresponding account(s).

Voiding Invoices in Other Currencies

To void an invoice that is in a different currency from the default currency, follow the same procedure, and the resulting changes described in the What Happens After You Click Void (no workflow) section still apply.

In addition, the following points are important to remember:

The amount that was posted is the amount that is voided, regardless of the current exchange rate.

When you void and then re-post an invoice that is in a different currency than the default currency, the second posting uses the most current exchange rate, which may have changed since the first time the invoice was posted. Therefore, the posted amount may be different.