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A document in TeamConnect is any type of item that is added to TeamConnect and is accessible on a Documents page, such as a Microsoft Word document, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, image files, and text files.

A document is also a reference to a document, such as a link to a Web page, or a shortcut link that opens to a document in a different location.

You can perform the following tasks to manage documents in TeamConnect:

Adding a Document to TeamConnect—Upload a document to a Documents page.

Editing Documents—Edit a document by first checking it out, and then checking it back in when you are done editing it.

Creating a Document Folder—Create a folder to hold related documents.

Exporting a List of Documents in a Folder—Export a list of documents to an Excel spreadsheet or as a .pdf file.

Copying Documents—Copy documents from one location in TeamConnect to a different location in TeamConnect.

Moving Documents—Move documents from one location in TeamConnect to a different location in TeamConnect.

Creating a Document Shortcut—Create a bookmark that allows you to access a document that is in a different location in TeamConnect.

Creating a Link to a Web Page—Create a link that allows you to access a Web page.

Downloading Documents—Copy a document from TeamConnect to your computer.

Generating Documents Using TeamConnect Data—Use the Document Generator to create a form document, such as a standard status letter that you send to clients.

Using Windows Explorer with Documents (WebDAV)—Use the Windows Explorer browser to view, copy, move, edit, and delete TeamConnect documents.

The tasks that you can perform depend on your assigned rights.