1.Open the Documents page where you want to create the new folder. 2.Click the New Folder button or icon. The New Folder window opens, and the Documents page is grayed-out in the background.
 Documents New Folder Window
3.In the New Folder field, enter the name of the new folder, and then click Create Folder. Caution: You cannot use special symbols or characters in folder names. You can only use alphanumeric letters, numbers, and the underscore character, for example Status123_today. If you use special symbols or characters in folder names, they are replaced with hyphens (-). For example, if you enter Status12**@today, the folder name will appear as Status12---today.
The new folder is created. To view the folder:
•If you created the new folder in the global Documents area, click the My Documents collection link in the left pane to view it. •If you created the new folder on the Documents page for a record, your folder is visible in the selected location. |