1.Click the Documents tab. The list view opens and collections are listed in the left pane. 2.To open a collection and view its contents, click its link in the left pane. By default, the following document collections are available in the left pane:
•Recently Viewed—Displays the last 50 documents that you opened and viewed. You cannot delete this collection or change its order. It is always the first collection listed in the left pane. •Recently Uploaded—Displays all of the documents that were added to TeamConnect within the last 30 days. •Recently Modified—Displays a list of documents that were edited within the last 30 days. •Checked Out—Displays a list of documents that are currently checked out of TeamConnect. •My Documents—Displays a list of documents that you added to TeamConnect, or document references that you created. Since you are the default author of these documents, there is no Author information displayed. •Top Level—Displays the TeamConnect file structure: oAttachments navigates to the Documents page for a project, appointment, contact, history, task, account, expense, or invoice record. oUsers navigates to the personal Documents folders for all TeamConnect users. oSystem navigates to the Documents page for system folders. In addition to the default document collections, there may be other collections to which you can subscribe. When you subscribe to a collection, its link appears in the collection list and you have access to its contents. You can change the order in which your collections are listed and remove collections that you no longer need.