You can copy documents and document folders from one location in TeamConnect to a different location in TeamConnect. You can only copy documents that you own or to which you have the appropriate rights.
Note: To copy documents, you must have View and Create document rights.
When you successfully copy a document or folder, the following information is copied from the original document record:
•The assigned categories on the Categories page
•Everything on the Details page
•Everything on the General page
•The User Rights and Groups Rights on the Security page
The following items are not copied from the original document record:
•Historical entries on the History page
•Versions that are listed on the Version page
•Approvals on the Workflow page
•You can copy documents from a system Documents collection, such as Recently Viewed, Recently Modified, or Checked Out.
•You cannot copy documents into a system documents collection.
•You can copy documents into your personal My Documents folder or go to the Top Level folder > Users folder and locate the appropriate users Documents folder.
•You can copy documents between different record types. if you have the appropriate rights. For example, you can copy a document from a contact's Documents page to a project's Documents page.
If one or more of the documents fails to copy, you will see an error message listing the failed documents. A document copy may fail for several reasons, such as the document that you want to copy is checked out by another user.
If the document is not visible in the selected location, you may not have rights to view or copy documents in TeamConnect. Contact your system administrator.