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To edit a document that is currently in TeamConnect, you must use the following process:

1.Check out the document—When a document is checked out, no other users can edit it. See Checking Out a Document for more information.

Note: Super users are able to cancel document checkout for other users.

2.Open the document and make the necessary changes—You must have the associated application to open and edit a document.

3.Check in the edited document—Upload the edited version of the document to TeamConnect. See Checking In a Document for more information.

The edited document is now the latest version in TeamConnect. You can edit documents that you own or to which you have the appropriate rights.

If you check out a document and decide not to make any changes, you can cancel the check out. When you cancel a check out, the document remains as it was before you checked it out. See Canceling a Document Check Out for more information.

Document Versions

Each time you check out a document and then check it back in, a new version is created and added to the document Version page. See Viewing Document Versions for more information.