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Entities used for tracking financial accounts or budgets electronically. Accounts are typically defined for transactions related to a project. In addition, posting criteria are typically defined per account (which financial transactions can post to the account).

Admin Rights

These are access rights to features available from the Admin tab in the user interface. These include user records, group records, Admin Settings area, and logger rights.

Administrator (TeamConnectAdmin user)

A user (such as TeamConnectAdmin) whose job responsibilities include creating or maintaining user and group accounts, specifying the appropriate admin settings for the organization, and managing logs.


A definition of a system or audit log. Appenders can be of various types, including SMTP, socket and file. File appenders are the most commonly used, as the logging statements are simply captured in a file. A log can be a general TeamConnect log, or it can be associated with a specific logger, so that it captures messages only from a certain TeamConnect area, such as portal panes or custom blocks.


A small utility written in Java. In TeamConnect, applets can be used for the document screen interface and the hierarchical item selector. If applets are enabled on the system, users can enable them for their own use on the Preferences tab of the Preferences screen.

Application Programming Interface (API)

A set of object classes that expose public methods the TeamConnect system.

A language and message format used by a program to communicate with an operating system, database management system, communications protocol, or some other control program. For TeamConnect, the Web Services API provides services equivalent to end-user functionality in the application user interface (UI).

application server

In a TeamConnect environment, the application server hosts the TeamConnect .WAR or .EAR file. In TeamConnect properties files, the application server might also be called the host.


A System Object that allows users to track their scheduled events, engagements, or meetings. Appointments are automatically available for custom objects.


In TeamConnect workflow process, an approval is an authorization action performed by a approver. After all required approvers perform approval actions on workflow requests, the original TeamConnect operation completes.


In TeamConnect workflow process, an approver is a user with the authority to approve or reject certain actions attempted by requestors. There can be several approvers at each level of an Approval process.

During an approval process, approvers may be able to send the approval request to reviewers for review before they make their decision. Approvers can view their approval requests on the My Approvals screen.


TeamConnect Users who are assigned to one or more Projects or Tasks. There can be one or several users assigned to a project. In projects each assignee can have a different role, such as attorney, agent, appraiser, paralegal, and so on. Typically, the main assignee is in charge of the whole project, whereas the rest of the assigned users are responsible for certain parts of the project. Tasks can have only one current assignee.


TeamConnect Users and members of Contact Groups who are expected to take part in an event, such as a meeting or conference call, for which there is an Appointment scheduled.


Permission to access a resource controlled by a server. Authorization typically occurs after a server evaluates the access control list (ACL) associated with a resource. The types of events that require authorization to TeamConnect include user login, running TeamConnect rules, and running Web Service requests.



A group of system and/or custom fields included into a single file, XML (for custom blocks) or JSP (for system blocks). In the end-user interface, each block is typically displayed as a separate tab or a section on the record screen.

TeamConnect Object Views provided by Mitratech consist of system blocks, such as General, Categories, Workflow, Assignees, Attendees, and so on. You can also create your own Custom Blocks using Custom Fields.



Lookup items that allow you to organize custom fields into blocks or sections on the screen for the Main user interface. By adding or deleting categories in a record, users display or hide respectively the associated blocks of details in that record. Categories also help users to organize their records by certain types, for example, employee contact records vs. non-employee contact records, domestic vs. international accounts, and so on.

Category Rights

See Category Security.

Category Security

The Rights to the object's categories and their custom fields. This is the second level of security, after the object level. All rights assigned at this level take effect only if the access to the object itself is granted.

Category-level rights add more granularity to the object-level rights. A user might have access to the object, but you can still control access to the organization-specific information stored in the custom fields and displayed in forms or custom blocks.


An environment variable or argument set on the command-line that tells the Java Virtual Machine where to look for user-defined classes and packages in Java programs.


Custom Object Definition


A System Object definition used to create a TeamConnect record for an individual, organization or group within a organization (such as department). Contacts can be organized into groups by creating Address books.


Collaborati Spend Management

Custom Fields

Custom fields can be created per system or custom object. These fields allow you to meet the individual needs of your organization.

Custom Object

Business Objects created for your organization by a TeamConnect Solution Developer TeamConnect Certified Professional. Custom Objects can have names used within your industry for files, such as matters, claims, litigation, or policies.

The individual instances of Custom Objects are sometimes referred to as Projects or Matters within this documentation.

Custom View

See Object View.



An object that provides the means by which connection pooling may be neatly hidden and performed. A DataSource object is a factory for Connection objects. An object that implements the DataSource interface will typically be registered with a JNDI service provider. A JDBC driver that is accessed via the DataSource API does not automatically register itself with the DriverManager. This is the preferred way of communicating with a data source (for example, a database) and provides a good alternative to using a DriverManager.

Debug Settings

Refers to a scenario when an administrator changes a logger's logging level to Debug. This results in the highest possible detail level of output to the log file. Setting a logger's logging level to Debug is useful to help troubleshoot an issue but afterward you should change the logging level to Warning (or a less verbose setting) to maintain optimal system performance.


A System Object definition used to manage files, folders, shortcuts, or hyperlinks in the TeamConnect Documents area. Documents are usually "attached to" other TeamConnect Records by uploading a file from the Documents page of a TeamConnect record.

Additional files necessary for customization of TeamConnect are also uploaded as Documents. These include XML files for Custom Blocks, Custom Actions for Java Rules, files included in Templates, and other files related to your customized system design.



A person who uses TeamConnect in a non-administrator or non-Solution developer capacity. This user type would typically not have rights to the Admin tab or the Designer application area.

For example, an end-user would typically have rights to work with system objects such as Documents, Contacts, and may have rights to work with custom objects such as legal Disputes. An end-user would typically have rights to create, edit, view, search, and delete contacts in TeamConnect.

Embedded Objects

Simple Custom Objects created as children of other Custom Objects (parent objects). An Embedded Object can only exist within the context of a parent Custom Object. Within Wizards and Templates, embedded objects are considered Related Objects.


A System Object definition that is intended to allow Users to track internal costs of doing business in their organization. Expenses are automatically available as a system Block in Object Views for Custom Objects.


Full-Text Search

Allows you to search for items in the database according to their content. TeamConnect provides the feature of content searching in uploaded documents, and certain fields in Records, if Microsoft® SQL Server Full-Text Search or Oracle® Text (interMedia) is available on your database server. For example, using content searching, you could search the content of uploaded documents to find a file in which a certain person's name is mentioned. This feature is available in search screens if the appropriate fields are included in the corresponding Search View.



Typically refers to Group accounts (used in TeamConnect account administration to group multiple users with similar access rights or day-to-day business responsibilities). A group could also refer to a Contact Group.

Group Rights

Access rights to features and application areas that can be accessed in the user interface. These primarily include the rights to all System Object and Custom Object records, and certain Tools, such as Scheduler, Batch Task and Expense Entry. Rights are assigned by group account.



A System Object definition used to create notes associated with a specific Record. History records can only be created in relation to an already existing record. You can search for a history record from a global History search page.

Home Page

The first screen that users see after logging in to TeamConnect. Home Pages function as a starting point for all TeamConnect users and can be personalized to fit their individual needs. Users can access various types of information or do different actions from Portal Panes that are available on the Home Page.


A computer that hosts (is the source of) information or services used by other devices.


The logical name of a computer, such as machine.domain.domain, which is translated into an IP address.


A secure version of HTTP, implemented using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

The method for exchanging information between HTTP servers and clients.



See Localization.

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

A standard mail server used on the Internet. It provides a message store that holds incoming email until users log in and download it.


A System Object definition used to electronically track invoices or bills sent by Vendors. Invoices are typically billing records for goods or services provided by 3rd party vendors to TeamConnect customers.


A System Object definition used to keep track of various involved parties associated with a Project. An Involved object is always related to a Custom Object.



(Java Archive file) A file type packaged with the ZIP file format, for data compression. Libraries shipped with TeamConnect are typically distributed in .JAR format.


Java database connectivity


Java runtime environment is a software bundle from Sun Microsystems that allows a computer system to run a Java application. The bundle includes the JVM and API. The API provides a set of standard class libraries. You can download the current JRE version by testing their JVM at the test page.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

A virtual machine is a simulated computer; it runs on a host computer but behaves as if it is a separate computer. The Java Virtual Machine works as a self-contained operating environment to run Java applets, with the advantage that Java applets can be run independently from the host operating system.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

A protocol used to access a directory listing. LDAP support is implemented in browsers and email programs, which can query an LDAP-compliant directory. In a TeamConnect environment, if you already have a 3rd party LDAP Server set up, you can configure TeamConnect user authentication to occur through your LDAP Server.


The process of customizing system and custom data for multiple languages and regions. In TeamConnect, you can localize the user interface and features, such as the time and data display. To localize in TeamConnect, you export the English data to an Excel spreadsheet, enter the translated data into corresponding fields, and import the translated data back into TeamConnect. After you import the data, the translated elements appear in your preferred language.

The term localization can be confused with internationalization, which involves selecting a language at runtime.

Line Item

A System Object definition used to list the goods or services specified in an Invoice. The details of each line item, such as the type (fee or expense), price, quantity, and dates must be entered in the Line Items screen of the corresponding invoice. Line items must be created from an existing invoice.


A component for a specific area of TeamConnect for which a system or audit log can be defined. For example, TeamConnect has loggers for portal panes, custom blocks, the XML layer, and user login/sign off. When you define a log (or appender), you select which logger's messages it captures.

Lookup Table

Tables that organize, store and quickly access multiple items, such as contacts' roles, types of address, phone, fax and other contact information, and so on. In addition to adding, renaming, inactivating, and deleting items in system lookup tables, you can define new custom lookup tables and their contents. In the end-user interface, lookup tables are represented by either drop-down lists (most commonly) or radio buttons, where the user can look up the necessary information and make the appropriate selection.

Users have the option of displaying item hierarchies in a regular drop-down list or in a Java applet called a hierarchical item selector.



NT LAN Manager. Former name for Windows Integrated Security. In a TeamConnect environment, you can configure TeamConnect user authentication to occur through a Microsoft Internet Information Services Server.


Object Definition

A specification of all properties of a System Object or Custom Object. A TeamConnect Solution Developer TeamConnect Certified Professional may edit a System Object Definition to create custom rules, create additional search views, customize additional object views, create wizards, or create custom blocks, among other operations. A TeamConnect Solution Developer TeamConnect Certified Professional would create a new object definition for a custom object.

Properties that are part of an Object Definition include its name, icon, categories and custom fields, look and feel of corresponding records, search views, wizard contents for creating its Records, and associated rules, among other properties.

Object View

A layout definition of tabs, sections/blocks, and other user interface elements per object definition. For an object definition, you can create multiple object views as an alternate method of customizing the available system and custom blocks for an object's records. For each group account, you can set each object definition's default Object View as an alternate method of setting record rights.


Portal Pane

A component of a Home Page, which represents a specialized menu that allows users to access different information or do specific tasks directly from the Home Page.


System preferences that a user can set for his individual TeamConnect session. Preferences include color scheme and time zone, among other settings. Preferences settings are available from the Preferences link in the upper right corner of the user interface.

Process Manager

In TeamConnect workflow process, a TeamConnect group whose members are responsible for monitoring approval processes that are sent to approvers. Process Managers receive notifications of approval requests when there is an error. They may also be notified when a request is rejected or expired. They can restart an approval process to resolve errors, rejections, or expirations, or reassign the task of approving a request to other users when necessary. They can also reject approval requests.


Refers to a Record or instance of a Custom Object.



An instance of a System Object or Custom Object in TeamConnect, created and accessed in the user interface.

Record Security

Access protection set at the level of individual object records. For example, you can make a Record Private or Public or you can grant or deny the rights to read, update, and delete a record to other Users or Groups. This level of security can be set only on the Security tabs of individual records in the end-user interface. This is the lowest level of access rights. All rights assigned at this level take effect only if the appropriate rights are assigned at the object level.


In TeamConnect workflow process, an attempted operation by a user that is initially pending approval before the original operation can complete.


In a TeamConnect workflow process, a user who performs an action that triggers an approval process, such as posting an invoice. The request is sent to approvers according to the approval route that is defined for that workflow process.


In TeamConnect workflow process, a user who reviews an approval request. An approver designates the reviewer for a request.


Access permissions to records (categories, custom fields) and functional areas in TeamConnect. In TeamConnect, access rights are applied to enforce record or system security, preventing users from viewing or changing records/settings they should not be able to access. Rights are assigned to Group accounts.


In TeamConnect workflow process, a defined hierarchy of groups whose members' Approval is required to authorize a requested operation. It is an approval path that can consist of one or more nodes, called Stops, that can contain one or more Members who can approve or reject the operation. Routes are used for the Workflow purposes, to control the actions that take place in your business processes.


TeamConnect allows you to create rules that control whether the operations attempted by users are in accordance with your business processes. A rule is triggered when the operation is attempted, and the Qualifiers are checked to determine what should occur. For example, rules can ensure that certain Custom Fields are filled out if a particular Category is selected.

Approval rules postpone the operation until all members in the approval process, or Route, have approved the operation.

Rules written using Java class files or JavaScript can also perform Automated Actions when they are triggered.


Search Module

A special utility that allows the user to quickly search for a specific record and link it to the record with which you are currently working without leaving its screen. The Search Module is represented by a field with two icons, Find and Open, next to it.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

An industry standard protocol developed by Netscape for securing communications. It works by using public-key cryptography and certificates.

Service Of Process (SOP)

The procedure employed to give legal notice to a person (defendant etc.) of a court or administrative body's exercise of its jurisdiction over that person so as to enable that person to respond to the proceeding before the court, body or other tribunal. Usually, notice is furnished by delivering a set of court documents to the person to be served.


A command line SQL and PL/SQL language interface and reporting tool that ships with the Oracle Database Client and Server. It can be used interactively or driven from scripts.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

A computer language used to create, modify, retrieve and manipulate data from relational database management systems and object-relational database management systems. It is an ANSI/ISO standard.

System Object

Default Business Objects provided by Mitratech to your organization. They represent business objects that are common to most business models regardless of the specific industry.

TeamConnect System Objects include: Account, Contact, Appointment, Expense, Invoice, Line Item, Task, History, Document, Involved, User account, and Group account.



A System Object definition used to track internal assignments, usually related to Projects. For example, preparing reports, following up on cases, reviewing documentation, and so on.


This term can refer to the following:

Document templates

Templates used with Wizards

Templates used with rules

Templates used with wizards and rules

A document template is a template designed for use with the Document Generator. You can use this capability to generate documents from Records using certain fields, such as the name of the contact associated with the record.

Templates used with wizards or rules define default values that should be automatically filled in for certain fields, Sub-objects, and Related Objects. For more details on templates, see Creating Custom Pages.


There are system tools that come by default with TeamConnect; however, it is also possible to create custom tools.


Events or happenings in your business that change its financial position, such as buying supplies, paying bills, withdrawing money, or buying equipment. For example Expenses, Tasks, and Invoices and regular money withdrawals from and transfers between Accounts incur transactions against accounts.



An account created for a person who logs into TeamConnect. Users must be members of Groups.

User Interface (UI)

The graphical representation of TeamConnect on the computer screen, where the user can click buttons and hyperlinks, make selections from drop-down lists, enter text into fields, and so on.


Version Control

A method of tracking the edits made to a document that is uploaded to TeamConnect. Version control allows users to access previous versions of a document, and even revert the current version back to a previous version if needed. Version control must be activated by the TeamConnect Administrator.



In TeamConnect, workflow is defined through Approval Rules at the Object Definition level.

For example, in a financial setting, a financial officer may trigger an approval rule by attempting to delete an account. A corresponding approval request would be sent to an accounting manager (approver) who would approve or reject the request.


XML (extensible markup language)

In TeamConnect environments, XML is commonly used as the file format for properties files. When creating custom blocks in the TeamConnect Designer application area, you upload .XML files to designated screens folders (under TeamConnect Documents) that define a custom block.