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The following table summarizes the folders that are automatically created when you create items in TeamConnect.

Certain folders are created automatically, the first time a user accesses the folder, rather than when the item itself is first created by a user. This helps keep the database clear of unnecessary folders.

Automatically Created Document Folders

New item created in TeamConnect

When folder is created

Path of automatically created folder

How folder is named

Folder contents


When users first access their personal folder by selecting Documents from the Go to list

Top Level/Users/UserName

For example:

Top Level/Users/Jack

Username (login name) specified in user account

Folder is empty upon creation.

After the folder is created, it may contain documents uploaded by and subfolders created by the user.

Custom object (including Embedded objects)

Upon creation of the custom object

Top Level/System/Object Definitions/ObjectName

For example:

Top Level/System/Object Definitions/Case

Name of custom object as defined in the object definition

Folders for files needed for the object's design, including:

Document Templates



Template Folders

For custom objects, the folders for Involved are stored here, if they are defined for the object.

Note: Embedded object folders do not contain any of the subfolders listed above except for Screens.

Involved Object

Upon creation of the Involved Object

Top Level/System/Object Definitions/CustomObjectName/InvolvedName

Name of Involved object as defined in the object definition

Folders for files needed for the Involved object's design, including the following:

Document Templates



Template Folders

Record created without Template files or folders

When a user first opens the record's Attachments folder by opening the record's Documents tab

Top Level/Attachments/ObjectName/RecordName

For example:

Top Level/Attachments/Account/Jones_Account_0402

System object records—named using the record's name and its primary key

Custom object records—named using the Unique ID of the record, according to the settings in the object definition

Folder is empty upon creation.

After the folder is created, it may contain any documents uploaded, or folders created, that are attached to the record by being added through its Documents block.

Record created with Template files or folders

Upon creation of the record.

Top Level/Attachments/ObjectName/RecordName/FolderName

(or FileName)

For example:

Top Level/Attachments/Account/Settlements_Account_0402/TaxForms

Upon creation, the folder includes files or folders that are automatically attached to the record because they are included in the Template.

After creation, the folder may contain any documents uploaded or folders created through the record's Documents block.