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When defining the action of an approval rule, Use the Action tab to perform the following actions:

Select the route that the approval rule follows when the qualifier conditions are met.

Specify a Process Manager. The user group that you specify as Process Manager must contain at least one active user.

Specify settings, either at the route level or stop level, for the rule as follows:

oWhether or not to allow the record to be sent for review.

oThe expiration action at the route level or for each individual stop, such as automatically approve, automatically reject, or send to Process Manager.

oHow to handle approvers who appear at multiple stops.

oWho may update the record while it is pending approval.

The settings available for the approval rule action depend on whether you want to set route-level parameters or stop-level parameters.

About Process Managers

Note: Although this documentation discusses Process Manager as if it were a single person, a Process Manager is always defined via a user group. You cannot assign an individual user to the Process Manager role. All members of the assigned group receive email related to workflow requests, and all have equal authority to perform Process Manager tasks. A task requires only one group member to complete it; whoever handles it first handles it for the entire group.

An approval rule always requires a Process Manager. The default value for Process Manager is the group "Workflow Process Manager." You may wish to change the default to some other user group when editing the rule. The Process Manager becomes responsible for monitoring approval processes triggered by that rule on the My Workflows screen. The Process Manager may perform the following actions:

Reject the requested operation by returning it to the user who triggered it.

Restart the approval process at the first stop of the route.

Reassign any current approval requests to any TeamConnect user.

Reassign the approval request to approvers in the current stop who rejected the requested operation.

About Route-level versus Stop-level Parameters

The main difference between Stop-level versus Route-level parameters is that for Stop-level parameters, you may set specific options, such as allowing approvers to create an impromptu reviewer list, allowing stop members to update records (pending approval), and setting the approval time limit and expiration action on a per stop basis. If you choose Route-level parameters, those options are available, but applied universally to all stops for that route.

Action Tab on Approval Rule Screens (Stop-level Parameters Selected)

Action Tab for TeamConnect (TeamConnect 4.0.8+)

The following table describes the fields in the Action tab of approval rule screens when using stop-level parameters.


The following table describes the fields in approval rule screens when using route-level parameters.