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When a custom action rule is triggered, its action is specified by one of the following:

JavaScript file

Java class file

Template defined in the object definition for use by rules

For information about defining custom actions using JavaScript or Java classes, see Writing Automated Actions. For details about creating templates for an object definition, see Using Templates.

Specifying a Class or JavaScript File

To specify an automated action, you must upload at least one class or JavaScript file to the following folder in the Documents area:

/System/Object Definitions/objectName/Rules/Automated Actions/

Note: The Action tab of the custom action rule screen provides a link to the Automated Actions folder for the object definition (see the Action Tab Displaying an Error with a Custom Action image).

Specifying a Template

Templates allow you to define specific fields or child records to populate when your qualifiers are met. You may access or create templates from the Templates tab of the object definition.

When used with templates, custom action rules have the same functionality as pre-population rules. However, the execution order of custom action rules is after pre-population, validation, and approval rules. This may be useful for some business cases, such as running approval workflow before populating a record.

To be able to specify a template for a rule, you must create at least one template for use with rules.

Note: You cannot specify a template for a custom action rule for the User or the Group object definition.