When a pre-population rule is triggered, the rule uses its template to prepopulate specific fields or child records. For more information about creating templates for an object definition, see Using Templates.
To be able to specify a template, you must create at least one template defined for use with rules. If you do not specify a template, no fields are prepopulated.

Action Tab on a Pre-population Rule
1.Open the Action tab of the pre-population rule whose template you want to specify. 2.From the Use template to add and populate records drop-down list, select the appropriate template. If no list appears, no templates have been defined to be used with rules for the object definition.
3.Click Save to associate the template with the rule. The following image shows the Action tab when no templates are available for the object definition. No Item Selected appears as read-only text and the Go to Templates link allows you to open the Templates tab of the object definition.
 Action Tab of Rule Screen with No Available Templates
For more information about templates, see Using Templates.