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You may define the following components of TeamConnect custom pages to determine the appearance of your organization's record pages:

Custom fields—Fields that you create for specific categories of system and custom objects to meet your organization's needs. You specify the label that appears in the end-user interface and what type of value the field holds, such as Memo Text or Check-Box. You may add custom fields to custom blocks.

Blocks—A group of system and custom fields included into a single XML file for custom blocks or Java Server Page (JSP) file for system blocks. You may add blocks to object views and wizard pages.

Object views—Layout of record pages, blocks, and other user interface elements on the page that you may customize and assign to different user groups. You may create multiple object views for each object definition, so different groups see only the information relevant to them.

Custom tools—You may create tools specific to your organization to help automate a task. You may define how the page appears and assign rights to the user groups that need the tool. For details on how to create custom tools, see Creating Custom Tools.

TeamConnect provides system fields and default object views for all system objects. When you create a custom object, it includes a predefined object view. Depending on the needs of your organization, creating custom blocks and object views may give you more flexibility in page layout and greater control of user access to record information.

Use the Screen Designer tool to create blocks.

Note: The Designer user interface refers to most interface windows in the browser as "screens." The end-user interface refers to its own interface windows as "pages." This document refers to Designer interface windows as "screens" and the end-user equivalents as "pages."

Important: Keep in mind that the Designer user interface may often refer to end-user interface windows (pages) as "screens."

This chapter details the following sequence of creating custom pages:

Creating Custom Fields

Creating Object Views