To use blocks for your custom pages, you must first create the necessary custom fields.
1.Analyze your organization's specific information that needs to be captured in the selected object, in addition to the default fields provided within TeamConnect. 2.Decide which custom fields you need to create to capture this information. Tip: Make a list of the labels for these custom fields and their field types.
3.Make sure the custom lookup tables are created for the custom fields of the type List. 4.Because all custom fields are category-specific, decide to which categories in the object definition you want to add your custom fields. 5.Make sure the desired object categories are added to the object definition. 6.Add your custom fields to the appropriate category in the object definition. See Adding Custom Fields. 7.Include your custom fields into the blocks, depending on your needs and design. |
1.In the Designer window, from the Go to drop-down list select Object Definitions. 2.Select the appropriate object definition from the displayed list. 3.Open the Custom Fields tab of the displayed object definition. 4.Select the Number of entries you would like to add from the drop-down list. 5.For each data entry row, enter the values in the appropriate fields as described in the Custom Fields Tab table. 6.If you want to continue adding custom fields, click add more. Otherwise, click Save on the toolbar. TeamConnect automatically saves the custom field information and adds the fields to the system block called Details.
7.Create the appropriate components for the object view—that is, custom blocks. |
Points To Remember
Custom fields can be created and displayed by category only. Because of this category dependency, you must carefully plan for which categories to create the desired custom fields, taking into consideration the following:
•For all categories and custom fields you add in an object definition, associated access rights are automatically created. They must be assigned to the appropriate users and user groups in order for the users to be able to view the categories and their custom fields.
•The root-level category in both custom and system objects is always automatically added to the object records to provide access to other categories (unless you do not intend to use categories and custom fields in your design at all). This means that all custom fields created for this category are automatically displayed in all records for all users.
•Always arrange your custom fields so that you do not have to replicate the same fields for different categories.
This improves performance and also prevents possible confusion if the custom fields of two categories are used in the same object record.
•A category name must be unique within its object if it has any custom fields included in Data Warehouse. For more information, see Data Warehouse Requirements for Custom Fields.