All custom fields for an object may be created, viewed, modified, or deleted using the Custom Fields tab of the corresponding object definition screen.

Custom Fields Tab
The following table describes the fields on the Custom Fields tab.
For Category
Select the category to which you would like to add custom fields.
All custom fields are category-specific, which means they can be created and viewed by category only.
Categories are organized in a hierarchical way in object definitions. Only the top five levels of the hierarchy (inclusive of the first node) can be used when creating custom fields.
In system objects, this node is known as Root, while in custom objects this node has the same name as the object itself—such as Dispute for the Dispute object.
Field Name
Enter an alphanumeric name to uniquely identify the field. This name is used to reference the custom field in blocks, letters, XML Layer, and reports.
Field names must be unique within each category and use specific naming conventions. See Custom Field Name Requirements.
The field name is only editable when a custom field is being defined for the first time. It can never be modified after the field is created.
Tip: Try to spell out the entire word rather than making abbreviations so that other solution developers can easily understand exactly what the field is created for.
Type the field label as you would like it to be displayed on the page. If the field will be included in Data Warehouse, the field label must not exceed 35 characters. Otherwise, the field label can include up to 50 characters.
Tip: If you need to use different labels for the same field in different blocks (for example, intended for different groups of users), create more custom fields of the type Label Only in the Custom Field Types table.
Field Type
Select an option from the drop-down list to specify the type of custom field. For more information about each type, see Field Types.
Include in Data Warehouse
Determines whether a field will be processed by Data Warehouse. Select YES if you are going to run reports and you want to include the information entered in the custom field for your reports. For information on Data Warehouse, see Data Warehouse Requirements for Custom Fields and Using Data Warehouse.
Is Required?
Select YES to make the custom field required for everybody. If you need to make this field required only to certain users, select NO and create the appropriate rules. For more information, see Required Fields.
By default, required fields are indicated by an asterisk on the page.
Default Value
(Optional) Enter or select a value to be displayed as default for the custom field on the page. For example, a check-box can be displayed as either checked or unchecked.
Exclude from Custom Search
Choose NO (the default) or YES. If you choose YES, this field will not appear to the end user in custom search screen dropdown lists for criteria or result fields.
Specifying Yes can help you simplify searches for the end user by making dropdown lists shorter and less confusing.
Note: A Yes value causes the field to disappear from the dynamically-generated section of the dropdown list that starts below category names. In the uncommon case that you explicitly define this field as a criterion or result field in a custom search template, then the field will still appear in the dropdown list, in the section above the category names, where all the explicitly defined fields are located.
Custom Field List
Displays the custom fields of the selected object. Select or clear the corresponding check-boxes next to the field and click edit or delete to change or delete the appropriate custom fields.