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You create custom fields to capture and display your organization-specific information and then assign the appropriate object views. The following table lists the areas and features that use custom fields to capture information or to implement the desired workflow. The table also indicates where to find additional information.

Where Custom Fields May Be Used in TeamConnect



For details, see


Custom fields may be added as individual components or within blocks to gather initial information when a record is being created

Creating Wizards

Search Views

Custom fields may be used as search criteria and search results display keys

Creating Search Views


Custom fields may be used as qualifiers in user interface rules, as well as in actions in custom action rules

Using Rules

Auto Generated Letters and Documents

Custom field values may be used by the Document Generator to automatically create letters and other documents

Administrator Help

XML Layer

Custom field values may be used for data conversion and integration with other applications

XML Layer Reference

Points To Remember

Consider the following points about custom fields:

Custom fields are category-specific. That is, they can be created and accessed only through their respective categories.

Access and display of custom fields is controlled by the user's rights to each category and its respective custom fields and whether the category is active.

If you inactivate categories, users are prevented from selecting them from the corresponding object's records and the associated blocks of custom fields are not displayed. For more information about inactivating categories, see Inactivating Object Categories.

To reference a custom field, in most cases, you need to know its field name (not label), the full tree position of the category under which it is created, and the field type.

In the database, object model, XML Layer, and API, tables, tags, and interfaces that deal with custom field definition or value information typically have the word "Detail" as part of their name (for example, Y_OBJ_DETAIL_FIELD, <Detail/>, or EnterpriseEntity). Hence, you may also come across references to custom fields as "detail fields."