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Based on the type of data that each field can store and the field's functionality in the user interface, all system and custom fields in TeamConnect may be one of the seven types listed in the following table.

Custom Field Types

Field type


Resulting field in the end-user interface


Stores boolean values, when you need to provide the user with options that might or might not be selected.



Stores date values that appear in the format specified in system settings and user preferences. By default, each date field provides the user with a pop-up calendar window that appears when the user clicks in the field.

The date and time fields are related. To create a date field with a time field, use the appropriate tag attribute with this field when including it in a form or block file. See Date Field Tag Attributes.

When creating a custom field of type Date, a checkbox labeled "Time Zone Independent" appears. You should check this box if the field always contains the same value for any user, viewing it in any time zone in the world. For example, a person's birth date would be time-zone-independent, so the box should be checked. However, the date and time of a telephone conference call would be dependent on time zone, so the box should not be checked. Note that you can only make this choice once, when first creating the custom field. You cannot edit the field later and change this attribute.


Memo Text

Stores large amounts of text, up to:

About 1 GB of characters (if using ASCII) in MS SQL Server.

4 GB of character data in the Oracle database.

To specify the desired display size for a memo text field, use the appropriate tag attribute with this field when including it in a form or block file. See Memo Text Field Tag Attributes.



One-line field that can store up to 2000 characters in both MSSQL and Oracle databases.

To specify the desired display size for a text field or the maximum number of characters it can accept, use the appropriate tag attribute with this field when including it in a form or block file. See Text Field Tag Attributes.

Tip: For alphanumeric fields, use a Text field.



Stores fixed and floating-point numbers in the following formats:

Decimal—The number of digits allowed after the decimal point depends on the decimal format attribute used. Without the attribute, the field accepts as many digits after the decimal point as needed.

Dollar—The field accepts a maximum of two digits after the decimal point and automatically displays the dollar ($) sign.

Percent—The field accepts a maximum of three digits before the decimal point and as many digits afterwards as needed. It also automatically displays the percent (%) sign.

Do not enter any special characters, such as $, %, and so on, as part of default values for this field type. For details on available tag attributes that can be used when including a number field in a form or block file, see Number Field Tag Attributes.

Tip: For alphanumeric fields, use a Text field.


Label Only

The label only field type is available only for custom fields. It allows you to create:

Several labels for the same field—Create different labels for the same field and use them in the different blocks. For example, if you need different labels for the same field so that it appears according to different groups of users, you can create a label only field.

Section headings to help organize a page—Create sections for groups of custom fields.

In either case, you are able to change the section heading or field label in one place, by using a label only field, instead of modifying each individual XML file. It is far more efficient and leaves little room for human error.

This field is created like any other custom field. For details, see Creating Custom Fields.



Displays a list of options from which the user can select one, which are provided by a custom lookup table associated with the field.

For more information, see List Field Type and Adding Custom Lookup Tables.

The example shows a drop-down list. Lists may also be option (radio) buttons.


Multi-value List

Displays a list of options from which the user can select one or more, which are provided by a custom lookup table associated with the field.


For more information, see List Field Type and Adding Custom Lookup Tables.



Search Module

Allows the user to search and select the desired contact or project record. Search modules allow users to open a selected record directly from the field.

There are two types of custom fields that appear as search module fields in the user interface, of type:

Involved—Available only in custom object definitions. For details, see Involved Field Type.

Custom Object—For details, see Custom Object Field Type.
