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Blocks are sets of object information represented by system and custom fields organized in a single XML or JSP file. Blocks typically display as individual sections on the page, as shown in the following image.

System Blocks

System Blocks

System and custom blocks display in the following different ways:

System blocks are included by default in the system object views of TeamConnect. You cannot change, delete, or add new system blocks. For example, on the General page of a contact record, Personal Information, Address Information, and Phone Numbers are all system blocks.

Custom blocks are XML files that might refer to Java classes and display sets of system or custom fields organized in sections on record pages or wizard pages.

Custom Blocks

You can use custom blocks to do the following operations:

Display different system or custom fields for each group of TeamConnect users.

Design new pages for a record or wizard page.

Display multiple sets of fields on one record page or wizard page.

Display custom fields associated with several categories in the same section.

Important: You must assign the applicable rights for the appropriate categories and details (custom fields) in order for users to be able to view custom blocks that include custom fields.

Custom blocks in records and wizards are different in the following ways:

Differences between Record and Wizard Custom Blocks

In records

In wizards

Type of fields you can include in custom blocks

System fields, Custom fields

System fields, Custom fields, Wizard parameters

How users view custom blocks

Add the blocks to object views and assign appropriate rights.

Add the blocks as components to wizard pages.


Button styling

Buttons tags will not have any styling by default. Assign a class (e.g., btn-primary) for styling these objects.

Custom Java Blocks

When you create a screen with custom actions, you may need to create a custom Java block (CJB). The CJB uses the TeamConnect API to specify actions and properties for the custom block. The XML file, which includes the structure, layout, and contents of the custom block, references the Java class. If you are not creating custom actions for the block, you only need to create the XML file without the CJB.

Note: Do not use a CJB to construct arbitrarily complex JavaScript and HTML code for the custom block.