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Parameters allow you to add items to be used as qualifiers for page transitions or to perform operations on the object attributes. Parameter data is not stored in the database and is only used within the wizard. Parameters may be simple, such as Number, String, or List, or use functionality that is stored in the database.

For each parameter that you add on the Page Components tab of the wizard definition, you may enter:

A Label (required)

The Type (required)

A unique Name (required)

Custom Lookup Table (required for check-boxes, radio buttons, and drop-down lists)

The Default Value (optional)

The unique name is used in the following locations in the wizard screen:

On the Qualifier tab of the page transition rules in the drop-down list for the Left Argument

In the Right Argument if you select Attribute

On the Actions tab in the Parameter drop-down list

In the name attribute of the <tc:wizardParameter name> and <tc:wizardParameterLabel name> tags, when the parameter is included in a custom block. For details, see Block Tags.

Caution: When you are including a parameter in a custom block that also contains custom fields, the parameter names and field names must be unique. Otherwise, errors may occur in page transition rules.

If you plan to include the parameter in a custom block, make sure to select the Display in blocks only check-box, or it appears twice on the wizard page.

Database Parameters

Complex parameter values are stored in TeamConnect's database. The following parameter types used in wizard page components are mostly system lookup tables that appear in drop-down lists in the wizard:

Activity Item

Address Type

Area Item


Check-Box List

Contact Relation Type

Country Item

Drop Down List

Email Type

Fax Type


Internet Address Type

Invoice Rejection Reason

Integration Message Queue

Phone Type

Project Relation Type

Radio Button List

Resource Type

Skill Type


Territory Type


Depending on system and user preferences, these items may also appear in an applet. The User parameter type may appear in a search module.

If you select any of these parameter types, the Default Value field in the Value column on the Page Components tab appears a drop-down list with the corresponding lookup table items so you may select a default value. In the resulting wizard page, the selected parameter is represented by the same drop-down list, applet, or search module with its respective items.

The following parameter types used in wizard page components are used to create a corresponding search module field, where the user may select the necessary record:



Custom Object

Transient Parameters

The following parameter types used in wizard page components have transient values. That is, they are not stored in the database and are created within the wizard itself:

Simple types—Depending on the type of user input, select the appropriate parameter to create the corresponding type of field in the wizard page.






oMemo Text

o(Text) String

List types—Add list parameters to present the user with simple options on the wizard page, such as Yes, No, or Unknown.

oCheck-Box List

oDrop Down List

oRadio Button List

Points To Remember

The following list summarizes wizard parameters:

All parameters have transient values that exist only within the wizard in which they are defined.

Parameter data is not stored in the TeamConnect database.

Use its value to perform certain actions or as a qualifier for page transitions.

Parameter values may be used in the wizard page for which you defined it and a any of the subsequent pages in the wizard for actions or page transitions.

For example, if you add a parameter of type Integer to page 3 to obtain the number of days required to complete a task, on page 6, you may use its value to create an action to set the Due On date for the task.

Parameters types are listed in the Type drop-down list in the Value column of the Page Components tab.

Like custom fields, you may include wizard parameters in custom blocks to control their layout on the page.

You may do this by using the <tc:wizardParameter> and <tc:wizardParameterLabel> tags. For details, Block Tags.

Important: If you intend to use a parameter in a custom block, make sure the Display in blocks only check-box is selected. Otherwise, the parameter appears twice on the page, in the block and as an individual field.