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You can search for a record while editing a record, if the record being edited displays a search module. For example, when editing a Contact record of type Person, a search module for Company is displayed. Clicking the Search icon search_button invokes a search window that shows Contact records of type Company.

Click the name of a record that is displayed by a search module to select that record and link it to the record that you were editing, and to close the search module window.

Some search modules have a special feature: auto-suggest. After you have typed a few characters of text into the name field, even before you click the Search icon, a list of up to ten records with names that match the text is displayed next to the module. You can click an entry in the list to choose that record. Record types that use auto-suggest include Contact, Account, User, and Project.

Note: Auto-suggest is only a convenience feature, not a comprehensive search. It lists up to a maximum of ten records, even if there are more than ten records that match the characters that you typed. Typing additional characters will narrow your search and improve the relevance of the displayed list. Also, the sequence in which those ten records are displayed may differ from the sequence shown if you click the Search icon. Clicking the Search icon will return all results, not just ten.