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When you save a search, you are saving the search's criteria, sorting information, and results display layout.

If you frequently search within a record type using a set of specific criteria, you can speed up your work by saving your search and giving a name to the saved search. That name will appear as a link in the left pane of the page, in the collections list.

A search can't be saved until it has been executed. After the search results are displayed, click the Save Search link.

A suggested name is displayed; you can edit the name if you wish.

Check-box Display Results Automatically, when checked, will cause the search to be executed immediately whenever you click on its name in the link in the left pane. If the box is not checked, the search criteria will be displayed instead, giving you an opportunity to review or modify the search before you execute it.

When you click Save Search, your custom search is saved and its name appears in the left pane. If a search already existed with that name, it is overwritten by the one you just saved.

Later you can re-run the saved search simply by clicking its name in the link in the left pane. Each time you click on the link in the left pane, the search criteria are freshly evaluated and the most current results will be displayed when the search executes.

Note: When you save a search, you are not saving the list that the search results return. If you want to save the list of search results as a .pdf or an Excel worksheet, use the Export Results feature, as described in Exporting a Search Results List.