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Submitting Requests for Actions that Require Approval

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If you are responsible for sending a record into an approval process, you are considered the requestor in the approval process. For example, if you click Post in an invoice record, and the invoice must be approved before it posts, then you are the requestor who triggered an approval process for that invoice.

The following flowchart shows the life cycle of a request from the requestor's point of view. Click areas of the flowchart for more information.


As a requestor, you can easily track both your active requests and the requests that are completed (approved or rejected). You also have the ability to cancel an approval request once it is sent. To receive emails about the status of your requests for approval, you can set approval process email notifications.

You can view the status of the records for which you have requested some kind of approval in the following ways:

Select Requests from the All drop-down list on the tab bar to open My Requests. If your home page has a My Requests portal pane, you can also click one of the links that summarizes the status of your requests to open My Requests.


Open the record of a request, which displays the status on its toolbar. From that record, you can click the Workflow page for a list of active requests and completed requests.