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You can perform the following tasks when working with matters:

All Matters

Viewing Matter Records—Open and view the areas and elements on the matter page.

Creating or Editing Matters—Create a matter using a wizard, manually, or by copying an existing matter.

Changing Matter Phases—Select the phase that moves the matter along from the beginning to the end of the project, such as Intake when a matter record is started, and ending with Closed when the matter reaches its conclusion.

Advice and Council Matters

Advice and Counsel Matters—Manage Advice and Counsel matters.

Dispute and Transaction Matters

Assigning Matters—Manage users who are assigned to matters.

Managing Invoices and Expenses—Manage the incoming billing for a matter.

Creating a Matter Expense Record—Manage the expenditures for a matter.

Creating or Editing Narratives—Enter or edit large amounts of textual details for a matter.

Managing Supplemental Information—View and edit events and details that can occur during a Dispute, such as allegations, violations, and discovery sanctions.

Managing Related Advice and Counsel Matters—View, add, or edit Advice and Counsel matters that are related to Dispute or Transaction matters. You can also use this page to create a new Advice and Counsel matter and relate it to a Dispute or Transaction matter.

Dispute Matters Only

Entering or Editing Dispute Damages—View, enter, or edit information about Dispute damages, such as compensatory, medical, personal injury, property, and punitive damages.

Entering or Editing Dispute Negotiations—View, enter, or edit Dispute negotiation information, including demand and offer information.

Managing Dispute Dispositions—View, enter or edit information about awards and the outcome of Dispute dispositions.

Entering or Editing Dispute Allegations or Violations—Enter or change information about Dispute allegations and violations, including name, type, and description information.

Entering or Editing Dispute Sanctions—Enter or change Dispute sanction information, including name, type, and description information.

Creating a Dispute Subpoena—Create a subpoena record that is related to the selected Dispute record.

Adding a Dispute Jurisdiction—Link a court and a judge to the Dispute record and enter the docket number so that this information is readily available from within the Dispute record.

Transaction Matters Only

Entering or Editing Transaction Liabilities and Assets—Create or edit Transaction liability and asset information for a Transaction matter.

Entering or Editing Transaction Provisions—Create or edit provision information for a Transaction matter.

Entering or Editing Transaction Terms—Create or edit terms for a Transaction matter.