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Assignees are users who also have contact records. Assignees generally work for your company and are available to be assigned to specific roles in a matter. You can add one or more assignees to a matter and each assignee can have a different role in a matter. There is a default set of assignees and roles. You may see additional assignees and roles that are provided based on your company's needs.

One active assignee is set as the main assignee and is in charge of the overall progress of the matter. The rest of the assignees are responsible for certain tasks that move the matter forward to completion.

You can perform the following tasks to manage assignees for a matter:

Viewing Users Assigned to Matters—Add one or more users to the selected matter.

Adding Assignees to Matters—Assign users to a matter.

Changing the Primary Assignee for a Matter—Select a new matter leader.

Unassigning or Reassigning Assignees—Temporarily remove a user from a matter or return a user to a matter.

Removing Assignees from a Matter—Permanently remove a user from a matter.