Use the Involved/Assignees page in the left pane to add assignees and their roles to a matter. Roles are the responsibility that each assignee has in a matter, such as attorney or accountant.
Note: If you are working with Advice and Counsel matters, the link in the left pane and the page name is Assignees.
Matter Management provides the following default assignee roles in the Roles drop-down list:
•Administrative Assistant
•Associate General Counsel
•Invoice Approver
You may see additional roles that are provided based on your company's needs.
1.Search for a matter and open it. 2.In the left pane, click the Involved/Assignees link. 3.Click Edit. The page opens in edit mode.
4.In the Assignees section, select one or both of the following options: oIf there are no current assignees, select the appropriate user name in the Assignee drop-down list, and then select an option in the Role drop-down list.  Assignees Sections with No Current Assignees
oTo add an additional assignee, click Add New Assignee, select the appropriate user name in the Assignee drop-down list, and then select an option in the Role drop-down list.  Assignees Section - Adding an Additional User
A user can be assigned to the same matter more than once if each assigned role is different.
5.If there is more than one user assigned to this matter, in the Primary column, click the radio button to select a main assignee. By default, the first assignee is designated as Primary. 6.Select a save option. |
Notifying Matter Assignees
If email notification is enabled, each of the users assigned to the matter receives an automatically generated message to inform them of their assignment. If you assign yourself to a matter, you will not receive an email notification. You only receive email notifications if you are assigned to a matter by someone else. See Setting Up Email Notifications.
Assignees Page Field Descriptions
The table below contains the default fields for the Assignees page. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings and assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.
Field or Control
Add or remove an assignee for this matter.
•Click + to add a new row •Click - to remove a user |
The name of the user who is assigned to this matter.
The designated matter leader.
Note: Only assignees with the Active status may be set as the main assignee.
Reassign button
Adds a previously assigned user to the matter.
Remove button
Permanently delete an assignee from this matter.
The responsibility of a user for this matter, for example, Attorney or Accountant.
The current status of each assignee in the list.
Options are Active or Inactive.
Unassign button
Inactivates the selected users assignment status.