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Use the Supplemental page for a Dispute or Transaction matter to enter or edit information that needs to be tracked, such as Dispute sanctions or Transaction liabilities or assets.

Dispute Supplemental Information

You can perform the following tasks on the Dispute Supplemental page:

Entering or Editing Dispute Allegations or Violations—Enter or change information about allegations and violations, including name, type, and description information.

Entering or Editing Dispute Sanctions—Enter or change sanction information, including name, type, and description information.

Transaction Supplemental Information

You can perform the following default tasks on the Transaction Supplemental page:

Entering or Editing Transaction Liabilities and Assets—Create or edit liability and asset information for a transaction matter.

Entering or Editing Transaction Provisions—Create or edit provision information for a transaction matter.

Entering or Editing Transaction Terms—Create or edit terms for a transaction matter.