1.Click the Legal tab. 2.Click the Disputes link under the tab bar. 3.Click New, and then click New Subpoena Wizard. The wizard opens to the first page.
 Disputes Subpoena Wizard Page One
4.Fill in the fields that describe the subpoena, including the required Subpoena Matter Name, Issuing Court, and Docket No fields. For the Issuing Court field, click the search icon to select the desired court. This search module only displays contacts with the External : Court category.
If the search doesn't return the court that you need, click New to create a new Issuing Court. Complete the required fields on the contact General page, and then click the Categories link in the lift pane. On the Categories page, select the External : Court category, and then select a save option. You are returned to the original wizard page and the new court name is listed in the Issuing Court field.
5.In the Type of Subpoena field, select one of the following options based on the type of subpoena you are entering: oOrder to appear—The Order to Appear page is displayed when you click Next. This is the default option. oOrder to produce documents—The Order to Produce Documents page is displayed when you click Next. 6.Select one or both of the following options: oIf there are no current assignees, select the appropriate user name in the Assignee drop-down list and their function in this matter in the Role drop-down list. The same user can be assigned to a matter several times if the user has a different role for each assignment. oTo add an additional assignee, click Add New Item, and then select the appropriate user name in the Assignee drop-down list. 7.If necessary, in the Primary column, select the button for the appropriate primary assignee. The first assignee is selected by default. 8.Click Next. oIf you selected Order to appear, use the contact search module to enter the name of the person or company ordered to appear, the time of the appearance and the location. oIf you selected Order to produce documents, complete the appropriate fields, such as the responded date, the name of the party serving the subpoena, and a description. 9.Click Next. If the Issuing Court and Docket No fields contain values similar to an existing subpoena, the Potential Duplicate Records page opens. If not, the Matter Relations page opens.
10.If the Potential Duplicate Records page opens, select either Create a new subpoena with or select one of the existing subpoenas. 11.Click Next. The Matter Relations page opens.
12.If you want to relate the subpoena to a Dispute record, do the following: oClick the Find icon and to locate and select a dispute. oSelect a value from the Type of relationship drop-down list, such as is subpoena for. 13.Click Finish. If you selected an existing subpoena on the Potential Duplicate Records page, any relations you defined are added to the Related Matters page of the existing Dispute Subpoena record and the matter you added as a relation.
If you chose to create a new subpoena, any relations you defined are added to the existing matter record and the new subpoena record.